Saturday, July 12, 2014


Phew, what a week! My mom had six days off so we decided to do a little roadtrip to Lapland to visit my sister who is about to give birth any time soon. Finally after all these rainy days we got to enjoy some real sunny and warm weather! Who thought that summer would actually arrive here? I am sure it wasn't just me who had lost faith for a while or was it?

Either way, we definitely took advantage of those sunny days and spent as much time as possible outside. The result was that we all got badly burned and by the end of the day we smelled like Greek yogurt (who needs aftersun when you can use yogurt, right? ). As any other typical week this wasn't any different...we ate a lot, walked a lot (okay, that's a lie), got eaten by mosquitos, swam into the freezing water, laughed to our stupid jokes, went to the sauna and watched some really aristic/bad movies. That's how I spend my time with my mom and sister and it never gets boring!

Well, actually there is slightly more to tell than just that about last week. The big news of the day is that I got a "job" as an aupair in a Dutch family in Amsterdam! I was kind of looking for a family in June but since I didn't get any responses I left it out of my mind for a while. To my surprise a family sent me a message that they wanted to have a skype call with me and within a week my plans for next year have totally changed! In August I am going to Holland and I couldn't be more scared/excited/freaked out! I am still trying to realize it...things happened too fast, but it's definitely going to be a challenge!

Once again life is full of surprises! I was planning other things for this year, but I am glad they didn't work out after all.
I guess I will need to pack my bags again soon!

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